Multiplayer Troubleshooting

Understanding the Auto Connector

The NetworkAutoConnector.cs script was written both for convenience and out of necessity, since the regular Mirror HUD requires a mouse and keyboard to start a connection. On startup, the auto connector script will automatically:

  • Try to host a server on start up, if you are inside the Editor or a Server Build.

  • Otherwise it will always try to connect to a server. (inside of Standalone .exe builds / Oculus Builds, etc)

This means that unless configured differently, running a Quest Standalone Build / PC Build also requires setting up a separate server.

Common networking problems

If you have problems connecting over a local network (LAN), the following steps are a good troubleshooting starting points:

  • Make sure you have assigned the server IP-address inside the NetworkManager prefab.

  • By default, port 6300 is used (you can change this as you wish in the Multiplayer Manager's KCPTransport Component).

  • Make sure the Windows Firewall isn't blocking connections

  • If you still can't connect on Windows, make sure your network type is set to Private (and not Public)

For connections outside the local network, you also have to:

  • Port Forward port 6300 to your server PC in your Router, so your server is accessible from outside your network (over the internet)

Quest Hosting

Several people have reported trying to host a server on their Quest headset and receiving multiple errors doing so (About missing host privileges on the Quest). While this approach might be possible, we highly recommend looking in to something like the QuestP2P transport instead, since you wouldn't want your players to have to do port forwarding just to be able to play multiplayer.


If none of the above works, let us know in the Support Discord Server and we'll do our absolute best! (Error logs and such help a lot) Mirror also has a very supportive Discord Server for networking issues.

Last updated