Creating Firearms

The easiest way to get started creating your firearm is by cloning another one, and then changing it as you need. The main properties to configure after creating your firearm are the available fire modes inside the Firearm component as well as the FirearmCyclingAction, which determines round cycling speeds, bolt lock back, and manual cycling (for bolt action).

If you are using the Multiplayer Package, you always have to register new Network Prefabs in the Network Manager!

Firearm components operate on a Compositional workflow, meaning you can extend your Firearm's functionality by adding them to your object. If you for example want your firearm to change fire mode when you press a button you'd simply add the FireSelectInput component and configure it

Replacing the Model

Inside the newly created weapon prefab, simply replace the model prefab under {Your_Weapon_Prefab}/model/{Model_name}

In order to render a cartridge inside the weapon chamber, you also have to attach the appropriate cartridge renderer (not cartridge item!) with the correct caliber to the rigged part that you are planning to animate as the bolt. Then attach the ChamberCartridgeRenderer script to your cartridge renderer prefab, so it actually renderers the chambered cartridge.

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