Setup Troubleshooting

Some of the most common issues reported with the packages have all stemmed from a faulty setup, so here's a guide to avoid the most common mistakes!

Missing Package Dependencies

It might be easy to miss on the store page, but the VRFPS kit has several other asset store dependencies (though all free):

  • The Low Poly Free Vegetation Kit for the sample scene environment. This one is optional, but will result in missing prefabs in the sample scene if you don't have it.

  • The multiplayer version of the package also requires Mirror Networking to work at all. (hundreds of errors about missing classes otherwise)

XR Interaction Toolkit Samples (Broken Input)

The Interaction Toolkit Samples import their own interaction layers & vr input in to the project, which will replace and break VRFPS Kit's interaction layers & input.

Wrong Project template (Broken Input)

While it does seem intuitive to simply use the Core/VR template when creating your project, this also contains the VR samples and will among other things completely break VR input. It is therefore required to use the Core/3D Template when getting started.

Correct Unity Version?

The project will break and likely generate package errors if you are using the wrong Unity Version, make sure you are using the same Unity Version as the one listed on the product page (minor releases don't matter). You will also have to make a new project if it was created with the wrong version.

Multiplayer Not Working?

There is a step by step troubleshooting guide here!

Last updated